Embark on a transformative journey inspired by shamanic traditions to reconnect with the natural world and your inner spiritual essence. Explore the depths of your being to access the profound wisdom within your higher self, uncovering its authentic desires and experiencing profound healing and spiritual awakening. Guided by the potent influences of sacred plant medicines and medicine music.

Please Note:

This website is presently undergoing construction. Below, you can find additional information about the various ceremonies I hold. For inquiries and more details, you’re welcome to reach out using the WhatsApp link provided in the bottom right. I am located in Cape Town, South Africa. I do travel to JHB and PE if there is a group needing a ceremony.


San Pedro

Ayahuasca(*ON special request only), a sacred plant medicine revered by indigenous cultures for centuries. In the enchanting surroundings of Ayachusa, experience the healing power of Ayahuasca as it guides you through profound introspection, emotional release, and expanded consciousness. Immerse yourself in sacred traditions and rituals, while being supported in a safe and nurturing environment. With the integration of insights gained, you can emerge from this extraordinary experience with a renewed sense of self, deep healing, and a profound connection to the mysteries of existence. Welcome to Ayachusa, where nature’s beauty and the transformative potential of Ayahuasca await your exploration.

I am often asked,”what is it like?” To put it simply, it is like heaven on earth, hence the name given to the cactus after the Spanish Connquesdadors tried to ban ritual all use of the cactus. San Pedro is Saint Peter, who holds the keys to heaven and this experience is gently euphoric . The most profound effect is that it brings us wholly into the present moment. The beautiful grounding and connecting provided by this plant medicine through the subtle and gentle cactus, we find ourselves as part of all that is, not a separate being experiencing nature, but nature experiencing itself.Evidence of the use of Huachuma dates back millennia to early cultures such as the Chavin culture and the Moche culture.Huachuma brings issues into the light so that we can work through them gently.



is tobacco mixed with the ash of grandfather trees from the Amazon. Every ancient culture has used tobacco as a sacred medicine to heal and pray. The Inca and Mayan peoples believed the gods gave us corn to feed the body and Tobacco to feed the spirit. The Native Indians use it as a sacred offering to great spirit, the Asian and African indigenous peoples use Tobacco to feed and protect the spirit.I administer it as a snuff that is blown into the nose with a pipe. It is used to extract imbalances and ground the individual in focus and clarity. It improves connection to the spirit world.

the powerful spirit and nature of the Sananga facilitates a deep cleansing of blocked energies within the spirit, mind and body, the plant searches the body for ailment and removes negative energies, helping to align ones being into harmony. Sananga is made from the roots and bark from a tree within the Amazon Jungle. I apply it in the form of eye drops. On an energetic level Sananga works to open the inner vision of the third eye, and assists to decalcify and activate the pineal gland, extending our vision into life. The plant helps to clear negative thought patterns and mental confusion, along with cleansing the physical, emotional and energetic fields.



a shamanic blend that combines DMT with leaves and flowers of medicinal plants herbal alchemy.

The experience with Xanga is analogous to Ayahuasca, it is much more connected to mother earth and perceptive compared to smoking just DMT crystals, the overall effect is usually quite healing, and the mind, body and psyche tend to integrate more.

With Xanga people have access to their own physical and mental processes through highly symbolic, dream-like images. Difficult personal problems can be solved and one can feel better.

It encompasses spiritual content, one can experience a “complete and radical” separation of consciousness and body; one can have death and resurrection experiences and mystical experiences.

During a cacao ceremony, one can expect to embark on a sensory and heart-opening journey.As you consume the cacao, you may notice gentle and soothing energy permeating your body, creating a sense of warmth and connection. The cacao’s natural properties can enhance your awareness and open your heart, allowing you to delve deeper into your emotions and inner realms. You may experience a heightened sense of clarity, increased focus, and an expansion of consciousness. Some people report feeling a deep sense of love and compassion, both for themselves and others, as the cacao supports the release of emotional blockages and facilitates a sense of inner peace.

Blue Lotus

Medicine Music

also known as Nymphaea caerulea, is a water lily that has been used for various purposes in ancient Egyptian and Mayan culture. Blue lotus was commonly used in spiritual and religious ceremonies as it was believed to have divine properties and promote feelings of tranquility and euphoria.

Amidst the tranquil ripples of the blue lotus, dreams unveil their secrets. A bridge between realms, it whispers to the sleeping mind,igniting the spark of lucidity. In the realm of night, awareness awakens, and the dreamer becomes the weaver of worlds

 also known as shamanic or ceremonial music, plays a pivotal role in traditional healing rituals and practices. This diverse genre encompasses various musical expressions, including chants, drumming, singing icaros and mantras, and instrumental compositions. The specific rhythms and melodies inherent in medicine music are believed to resonate with both the body and spirit, facilitating healing and equilibrium. These sound vibrations have the potential to induce altered states of consciousness, thereby enriching the healing experience. Medicine music often acts as a conduit, enabling individuals to establish a profound connection with the spiritual realm. Shamans and healers utilize this music to embark on journeys into altered states of consciousness, enabling them to access guidance and insights from higher powers or the natural world.


Authentic Ayahuasca Experience

I recently had the profound experience of doing Ayahuasca with Jayesh, and I can’t recommend him enough. From the moment I arrived, I felt an overwhelming sense of safety and trust, which is so crucial for such a deep and transformative journey. Jayesh’s authenticity and rawness were evident in every aspect of the ceremony. His deep knowledge and genuine passion shone through.

His voice was like a guiding light through the various stages of my journey, providing comfort and helping me navigate the intense emotions and visions that surfaced. The music wasn’t just a background element; it was an integral part of the healing process, resonating deeply with my soul and facilitating profound insights and breakthroughs. I am deeply grateful for the space he holds and the healing he facilitates.


A Safe Space for Exploration

Finding Tranquility

There was absolutely no better place to take Ayahuasca than with Jayesh. It was a safe space for me to let go and allow myself to proceed on my quest for answers.

A beautiful journey and experience.


Thank you so much for the healing session. It brought an immense sense of quietness and calmness. We currently sitting outside, enjoying the peacefulness—something I haven’t done in a while

The experience with your singing and playing the various instruments was incredible. When you play, it feels like you’re operating from the Golden Age. The transitions between scenes were seamless, each one perfect, melodious, and calming.

We truly appreciate your effort and the special spiritual path you have chosen. Few people have the gift from God to provide such profound healing in a single session. It’s clear that you are one of the chosen ones. Your flute playing, invoking De La Krishna and the Golden Age, along with the singing and guitar, was truly remarkable. 

Thank you once again.

Safe, Professional, Knowledgeable, Comfortable

So Much Gratitude

Jayesh was a wonderful guide during my experience. I felt very safe and respected within a space that could potentially feel vulnerable to some, however I felt completely at ease with his knowledge and viewpoints that assisted greatly in seeking out and gaining from the source of one’s desires from the session. I had a truly wonderful experience in that I feel I’ve managed to heal and grow in an amazing way. I am questioning myself sometimes because I have noticed the absence of a deep feeling of anxiety that I held onto usually, not being able to feel comfortable in my day to day experience. I feel an absence of the feelings that once gripped me and a freedom in my chest, that I can breathe deeply. I feel very relieved and happy with my experience. It is wonderful to feel that I am able to reconnect with myself as a more whole but yet still preciously flawed human. So grateful to Jayesh for his kindness and grace!


Thank you, Jayesh!!!— Thank you for the beautiful  Ayahuasca ceremony you had for us and the spiritual work you are doing for the collective. The uplifting medicine & music and messages/hope you give all of us truly fill me with so much love and encouragement. Thank you for being a light in the darkness.


So Special

Comfortable in the authentic way

Soo many thank youuus Jay for the beautiful LIFE-CHANGING Mother Ayahuasca ceremony you had for us. You are truly such a special, unique and gifted sunshine soul!


“In all the special spirit journeys I had with Jay I specifically remember feeling comfortable in the authentic way he held the space with pure intent, it made me feel safe. I could journey freely, powerfully. Thank you!” 

Schalk Theart

Filled my heart with newfound light

Transformative Ayahuasca Experience

I embarked on an Ayahuasca journey driven by a profound awareness of unresolved emotions and past traumas within me. The experience proved to be profoundly transformative and enlightening, enabling me to confront and release these heavy burdens. The result? A profound sense of empowerment and liberation filled my heart with newfound light, leaving me feeling reborn and with a deeper understanding of my soul’s true nature

Jayesh, with his wise guidance, served as a beacon of support throughout this incredible voyage. His singing and music infused the ceremony with a deep emotional resonance that touched my soul. His expert guidance and nurturing presence were instrumental in making this journey a truly exceptional and healing one.

With deep and heartfelt gratitude, I extend my sincerest thanks to Jayesh for facilitating this truly transformative experience. This journey of healing and growth has been nothing short of remarkable!❤️🤗


Not only would I highly recommend an ayahuasca ceremony to anybody and everybody who wants to be a better version of themselves, but I would hands down recommend you do it with Jayesh. He has a warm and reassuring presence, and he sincerely wants to do everything he can to help you get to where you need to be.

One of my big intentions for my ceremony had to do with eliminating self doubt from my life, not being insecure about my abilities, and becoming more self-confident in my decision-making.

About a week after the ceremony, I asked for a raise and a promotion, and I got it and more – and I believe I was able to do that because of the journey that we set off at my ceremony and the healing I experienced.

I am forever grateful – thank you, Jayesh ❤️

A life changing ceremony

Firstly, a genuine, sincere and love-filled extension of gratitude toward Jayesh is in order. Thank you so much, Jayesh!!! I cannot possibly thank you enough. Thank you for making this ceremony possible for us. I don’t think I’d ever be able to describe how deeply profound and life-changing it was and continues to be for me. Thank you for holding space for me when I needed it the most and thank you for the continued support post-ceremony as well.

The Ayahuasca medicine ceremony was my second ceremony with Jayesh as a host and my third with him as a facilitator. It brings me tremendous joy to be able to write about my experience with him. Jayesh created an environment that allowed me to be my most vulnerable self, he curated the ceremony in such a way that it worked hand in hand with the spiritual transformations that took place. The live music he rendered worked synergistically with the medicine in creating a unique and truly transformative experience. He supported me throughout the ceremony and provided me with all the guidance and care I required.

The ceremony itself was absolutely amazing! I was left with an abundance of clarity, healing, insight and peace. It brought me back to my true self and relieved me of all worldly anxieties, concerns and negative thought patterns. I am currently still in the integration phase of my Ayahuasca experience and each day brings new insight and allows me to delve deeper into the understanding of who I am in a way that transcends the mere physical understanding of our existence. Many of my existential life questions and curiosities have been fulfilled and each day now holds the promise of a brighter more intuitively lead life.

I look forward with great anticipation to our future ceremonies together!

Haux Haux âť¤ď¸Ź


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